Dr Piers Robinson, Nova Academia ‘Boot Camp’, sessions on propaganda, Theux, Belgium, August 2024.
Dr Piers Robinson, ‘Understanding 21st century power dynamics: From the global ‘war on terror’ to the COVID 19 event.’ HESTIA 2024, 5th Annual Conference, Regional Governance and the Asia-Pacific Balance of Power, Thammasat University, Bangkok, March 9-11.
‘Silencing the Academics’, Inaugural OPS Symposium, with Propaganda in Focus and Uk Column, with Professor Jared Ball, Professor Dan Broudy, Professor Oliver Boyd-Barrett, Dr David Miller, Dr Piers Robinson, 18 February 2024.
Dr Piers Robinson and Professor Oliver Boyd-Barrett, Round Table ‘Disinformation Control: Is the Cure Worse than the Disease’, American Political Science Association, Annual Convention. Los Angeles, September 2013.
Professor Mark Crispin Miller on the Jimmy Dore Show discussing censorship and academia, July 2023.
Dr David Miller, Interview on Glenn Greenwald’s System Update discussing the Zionist campaign to fire him from the University of Bristol, July 2023.
Professor Mark Crispin Miller discusses the legal fight over the suppression of his academic freedom, on the Jimmy Dore Show, July 2023.
Dr Piers Robinson, ‘War Propaganda Today – the outsourcing of propaganda and consequences for open debate and democratic accountability’, presented at Mediensystem und Öffentliche Sphäre in Der Krise workshop, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich. June 2023.
Dr Piers Robinson, ‘Mis/Dis/Malinformation and the COVID-19 “Infodemic”: A Case of Misdiagnosis’, Medical Social Control in the COVID-19 era, Canadian Sociological Association, 24 May 2023.
Dr Piers Robinson, ‘Propaganda in the 21st Century: Learning from COVID-19’, Mental Health and Propaganda International Conference, Portugal, 20-21 May 2023.
Dr Piers Robinson, ‘International Organisations and Realpolitik: the case of the OPCW and alleged chemical weapons attacks in Syria’, Research Seminar Series, Department of Media and Communication, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, 17 April 2023.
Dr Piers Robinson, Interview with Zuby on Real Talk with Zuby covering propaganda, Covid-19, OPCW/Syria and the rise of counter disinformation industry, January 2023.
Dr Piers Robinson, ‘Threats to Freedom of Expression’, UK Houses of Parliament for the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) Pandemic Response & Recovery, Thatcher Room, Portcullis House, Westminster, 14 November 2022.
Dr David Miller ‘How British Intelligence Penetrated and Captured EU Counter-Terrorism Policy’, Al Mayadeen
Dr Piers Robinson, ‘Propaganda through Censorship, character assassination and coercion during COVID-19 and the emergence of a disinformation industry and legislative moves to sanction online ‘harms’’, Panel Mental Health in the Age of Disinformation and Propaganda, International Conference on Pandemic/Health Management, Fatima, Portugal, 28-30 October 2022.
Dr Piers Robinson: Plenary Session ‘Global Conflicts and Information’, Global Challenges in turbulent times: decentering the study of the international, International Conference 27-28 October 2022, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Xi’an Jiatong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, Department of International Studies and School of Humanities and Social Sciences, 27-28 October 2022.
Former professors David Miller and Piers Robinson discussing intelligence services, smear campaigns and the suppression of academic research and debate, with Max Blumenthal, Grayzone, July 2022.
Dr Piers Robinson’s interview with Dr Rob Williams, Vermont Independent, covering researching and thinking about propaganda, June 2022.
Professor Mark Crispin Miller keynote@Society Must be Inoculated, May 2022.
Professor Mark Crispin Miller on distinguishing propaganda from information, interview with Elze van Hamelen de Andere Krant, April 2022.
Dr Piers Robinson’s interview with Rick Munn on ‘The Critical Hour’, TNT Radio, about mainstream media and silencing of dissent and debate, from war in Syria and Ukraine to COVID-19, February 2022.
Dr Piers Robinson interviewed for DW’s ‘Fact Check: How do I spot State-Sponsored Propaganda‘, January 2022.
Professor David Miller interviewed by The Electronic Intifada regarding the Israel lobby campaign against him and the need to talk about Zionism, November 2021.
Professor David Miller interviewed by Lowkey: ‘Academic Fired Following Israel Lobby Smear’, MintPressNews, October 2021.
Professor David Miller interviewed by Richard Medhurst re Fired for Criticising Israel, ‘The Communiqué’, Press TV, October 2021.
Dr Piers Robinson interviewed by Mike Ryan on Covid and Propaganda, Asia Pacific Today, August 2021.
Dr Jared Ball interviews investigative journalist Barrett Brown about whistleblowers, the state and surveillance, iMiXWHATiLiKE; Black Power Media, May 2021.
Professor Oliver Boyd-Barrett discussing Media Imperialism with Citizen Truth, May 2021.
Professor Mark Crispin Miller interviewed by Catherine Austin Fitts about Propaganda, COVID-19 and Teaching Propaganda, May 2021.
Professor Mark Crispin Miller interviewed by Elze van Hamelen for Cafe Weltschmerz about propaganda, freedom of speech and academic freedom, May 2021.
Dr Jared Ball interviewed by Nino Brown and Gabby Ballard about The Myth of Black Buying Power, Liberation News, April 2021.
Dr Piers Robinson interviewed by Dr Jared Ball on the OPCW Controversy, iMiXWHATiLiKE; Black Power Media, April 2021.
Professor Oliver Boyd-Barrett discussing RussiaGate and Propaganda with Joanne Leon and Kelley Lane for Around the Empire, March 2021.
Professor Mark Crispin Miller interview by Katie Halper and Matt Tabbie. ‘Useful Idiots’ Rolling Stone, December 2020.
Dr Tara McCormack and Dr Piers Robinson interviewed on the anti-war movement, contemporary war and propaganda with Ross Ashcroft of Renegade Inc. October 2019.
Professor Jared Ball, ‘Degrees of Propaganda: The University and Public Opinion’, Keynote address at Faculty Senate, Howard University March 2019.
2018 and earlier
Professors Christopher Simpson and Jared Ball discuss ‘Information Warfare and Propaganda Analysis’ for Academics in Cars, September 2018.
Professor Piers Robinson and Dr Florian Zollmann interview on propaganda and journalism with Ross Ashcroft of Renegade Inc. May 2018.
Professor Mark Crispin Miller interview on conspiracy theory and propaganda with Ross Ashcroft of Renegade Inc. 2017.
Professors David Miller and Piers Robinson discuss propaganda and deception at the conference Understanding Conflict: Research, ideas and responses to security threats, University of Bath. June 2015.