Selected Academic Articles, Reports, Chapters, Books and Reviews by members


Piers Robinson and Kevin Ryan, (2024) ‘A Plausibility Probe of 9/11 and COVID-19 as ‘Structural Deep Events” Journal of 9/11 Studies.

Tim Hayward and Piers Robinson, ‘Silencing the scholars: Academia, managing dissent, and the war in Ukraine’ in Tabe Bergman and Jesse Own Hearns-Branaman (eds), Media, Dissidence and the War in Ukraine, (Routledge)

Johannes Scherling and Anouschka Foltz, (2024), ‘The Age of the Expert—COVID-19, Expertise, and Conflicts of Interest in Austrian Media Reporting’, MDPI, 5(1): pp. 163-188.


Piers Robinson, ‘The corrupt politics of chemical weapons’, The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 82(5): pp. 481-492. August 2023.

“‘Russophobia’ and the New Cold War: The Case of the OPCW-Douma Controversy” in Russiagate Revisited: The Aftermath of a Hoax edited by Oliver Boyd-Barrett and Stephen Marmura. (Palgrave/Springer Link, 2023).

Jared Ball, The Myth and Propaganda of Black Buying Power: media, race, economics, 2nd edition (Palgrave Macmillan)

Piers Robinson and Hans von Sponeck et al, A Review of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Fact-Finding Mission Report into the Alleged Use of Chemical Weapons in Douma, Syria, in April 2018: Evidence of Manipulation, Bias and Censorship, Berlin Group 21 (Amb. José Bustani, Prof. Richard Falk Dr. Piers Robinson, Dr.h.c Hans-C. von Sponeck).

Iulian Chifu and Greg Simons, Rethinking Warfare in the 21st Century: The Influence and Effects of the Politics, Information and Communication Mix, (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming September 2023).

Johannes Scherling and Anouschka Foltz, ‘The use of Certainty in COVID-19 Reporting in Two Austrian Newspapers’, Journalism and Media, April 2023, 4(2): pp: 530-546.

Piers Robinson, ‘Five Years On: The OPCW-Douma Deception Continues’, Propaganda in Focus, 6 April 2023.


David Miller, ‘The Radicalisation Awareness Network: policy network in search of an evidence base or covert propaganda platform ‘, Spinwatch, (Research Report)

Piers Robinson, ‘Chemical Weapon Attacks and an Evil Dictator’: Outsourcing Propaganda during the War in Syria’ in Journalism and Foreign Policy edited by Jesse Owen Hearns-Branaman, Tabe Bergman. (Routledge: London and New York). (2022).


Oliver Boyd-Barrett, Conflict Propaganda in Syria: Narrative Battles (Routledge: London  and New York).

‘Democracies and War Propaganda in the 21st Century’ in Research Handbook on Political Propaganda edited by Gary Rawnsley, Yiben Mia and Kruakae Pothong, Edward Elgar Publishing (2021) See update here.

Piers Robinson, review of ‘Information Warriors: The Battle for Hearts and Minds in the Middle East’ by Vyvyan Kinross, The Middle East Journal, 75(1): pp: 177-179.

Johannes Scherling, ‘A tale of two cities: A comparative study of media narratives of the battles for Aleppo and Mosul’, Media, War and Conflict, 14(2): 191-220.


Daniel Broudy, ‘Who Wants to Be a Slave? The Technocratic Convergence of Humans and Data’, Frontiers in Communication.

Jared Ball, The Myth and Propaganda of Black Buying Power (Palgrave Macmillan).

Tom Mills, Narzanin Massoumi, David Miller (2020) ‘The ethics of researching ‘terrorism’and political violence: a sociological approach’ in Contemporary Social Science, 15(2): 119-133.

Simons, Greg. (2019) ‘Propaganda as a Tool in the Arsenal of Information Warfare’ in Baines, P., O’Shaughnessy, N. & Snow, N. (Editors), The Sage Handbook of Propaganda, London: Sage, 2019, pp. 443-460.

Zollmann, Florian. 2019. „Ideologische Integration, massenmediale Täuschung: Zur Rolle von Propaganda in liberalen Demokratien“. In Ideologie, Kritik, Öffentlichkeit. Verhandlungen des Netzwerks Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft, herausgegeben von Uwe Krüger und Sebastian Sevignani, 228–252. Universität Leipzig. DOI: 10.36730/ideologiekritik.2019.11

Robinson, Piers (2019) ‘Expanding the Field of Political Communication: Making the Case for a Fresh Perspective through “Propaganda Studies”‘ Frontiers in Communication. Volume 4.

Boyd-Barrett, Oliver (2019) Russiagate and Propaganda: Disinformation in the Age of Social Media (London and New York: Routledge) (available July 12).

‘Propaganda, Politics and Deception’ by David Miller and Piers Robinson in Tony Docan-Morgan (ed) The Palgrave Handbook of Deceptive Communication (Palgrave: MacMillan), 2019.

Symposium in Critical Sociology on Deception, Coercion and Propaganda (2019)

The following papers are published by Critical Sociology as part of a of a special issue on contemporary propaganda and organised persuasive communication. The special issue edited by Professors Vian Bakir, David Miller, Piers Robinson and Chris Simpson.

Thomas W. Cawkwell.